Exactly why Google Duplex Is Your Future Of AI

If you haven't heard, Google has recently previewed it has"Google Duplex" feature for the Google Assistant. Artificial Intelligence is excellent, but Google is taking it into the land of the Jetsons. Before we dive in to explaining how Google Duplex works, I'm convinced there's alot of you wondering"What is Google Duplex?" Certainly, it's related to Google, but continue reading to learn more.

Google Duplex In A Nut Shell

Ever experienced a time in life when you wished you had a personal assistant? Sure, we have Google Assistant, however, Google helper can't replace an individual being. Or does it? If you've ever wanted someone who may call the doctors office and schedule a consultation for you but you cann't afford to pay for someone to do that, then you'll love Google Duplex.

Unlike any AI, together with Google Duplex, you wouldn't be able to identify if you are speaking to a robot or a genuine person if you're tried. Google has made this AI sound like a real life individual. Most of the pitches that we make to think about what we will say, all of the"um's" we strive to avoid, Google Duplex does it all. Even listening to calls, we might well not desire.

Google Duplex Can Be The Future of AI Creating The Feature

When making this particular feature for Google Assistant, then Google wanted it to seem as much as possible. We all know that if we received a telephone out of a bot and was able to know that it's not a individual we're speaking about. We'd probably think that it's only some annoying automatic service phoning us to frighten us after which we'd hang up the telephone. Google Duplex now solves that problem. Most people can't decipher if its a real person or a bot when hearing from this particular feature.

Why This Is The Future

When I think of being closer into the Jetsons, I start to think about a world where humans have to put in less effort to do everyday things. A world where we no longer have to do the chores we don't want to really do. It only makes life simpler and eventually lets us have more independence and time of life at the long haul. I could honestly think about lots of individuals who this can benefit. The lawyers who just want to spend time with their children, but have to always make calls for customers.


Artificial Intelligence is becoming smarter, pretty soon those tedious daily tasks will no longer need to get achieved by you. You'll be in a position to let your Google Assistant take care of that for you. When this opens the doorway for less boring tasks, in addition, it opens the door for becoming more important things done. If you enjoyed this article, check out our"5 Good Reasons Why You Should Buy A Google Pixel 2" article

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